The Bath Urban Treescape project took shape in the first half of 2022 and involved a number of volunteers (including contributors from various organisations) coming together to create and share a selection of notable trees across the city.
Participants are encouraged to follow the trails and enjoy the shapes and colours of each tree - their flowers, fruits, seeds, leaves and bark – and learn something about each one, while seeing the city from a different perspective.
I became involved early on in the project and my involvement culminated in creating the visual identity, designing and coding an interactive web app and designing the printed foldable maps that formed an initial trial in June 2022.
Volunteer participants gave their feedback of the first trails in two areas of the city — City Centre South and Twerton — which will help inform the future direction of the project.
I created a minimalist logo combining the iconography of a tree trunk with directional footpath signs as pseudo branches. The typography choices and colour palette forms an important part of the visual identity of the project.A screenshot from the website showing the app in action. The map is fully interactible, showing the location of the trees and a recommended route. Selecting a tree reveals a sidebar with more information on that tree including a description, photos and any recommended activities. The website is responsive, meaning that it works across all devices and screen sizes.The map view of Trail B from the printed foldable A3 leaflet. The Activities section appears upside down here in order for it to work with the cross-folding concertina layout. When fully folded, the lower right part is the front cover and the Activities section is the back cover.The individual tree information with common and latin names, descriptions and photos of all the trees on the trail. This is printed on the reverse of the foldable A3 leaflet shown in the map view above. Print layout is quite a different challenge to responsive web design. This project required both sets of expertise however.